diumenge, 9 d’octubre del 2016


Five meteorologists have spent about two weeks trapped in their laboratory located in a remote Russian island due to a herd of polar bears that stayed ouside the door. The island is part of the archipielago of the Izvesty TSIK Islands, and it's a place where polar bears are common. Even so, this year the population of these mammels has increased a lot.

The meteorologists have run out of flares they normally use to scare the bears, what makes them be choiceless in the face of the bears. Thses bears have been sleeping outside the windows of the laboratory, as the men have reported to a news agency via satellite phone.
In order to not harm them, the meteorologist's only option is to wait for a boat from the city of Arkhangelsk, which will bring flares to scare the bears and release the weather experts. The boat will take about a week to get there, and meanwhile they have had to stop doing work that requires going outside.

Some environmental experts have declared that polar bears are an endangered specie, affected by the global warming which melts the ice where they normally live, making it difficult for them to hunt. That's probably why they have gone near humans: to get food.


I found this news curious and I hope everything goes fine and anyone gets wounded. I like the fact thay refuse to harm the polar bears, even though they have the weapons to do it. I think it's exacly what they should do, as bears are an endangered specie. Also, apart from finding it curious, it also makes me sad, becaue it is a sign of what polar bears are suffering because of global warming.

· to swarm: moure's en ramat o grup
· flare: llum d'emergència/ balisa
· chief: líder, cap

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