divendres, 5 de maig del 2017


Esplais Street, 17
17486 Castelló d'Empúries, Girona, Spain
20th April 2017

Hello, Marcus!

How are things going? I hope everything is okay. I've been thinking lately and I would like to talk about something with you. 

I've noticed you spend a lot of time on your phone and some times we've hang out together, I've felt like you were giving more attention to your mobile phone than to me. It's not that I'm upset about it, it's just that I'm worried about you. I think you should try to stop using it too much, even if you try to do it step by step. I think you'll feel better, because maybe at the beginning you'll need to use it all the time, but at the end you'll see that you will enjoy real life a lot more! I hope you think about it and consider my advice.

Can't wait to hear from you.
Take care, 

Mar Oliva

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