dissabte, 28 de novembre del 2015


In this “Your say” I wanted to talk about something that makes me very angry: people abandoning dogs. I’m going to give my opinion about it, although it is probably the same as most of people. Well, we could say that almost everyone is against the dog’s abandonment, but dogs are still being abandoned, so there has to be people that abandon them.

French campaign against dog's abandonment.
 "An animal doesn't cry... He suffers in silence.-
Stop the abandonment"
The reasons why people normally abandon the dogs are: because they can’t take care of the dog (lack of time, lack of money...) or because they are just bored of the dog, and they think it’s a workload for them. Talking about the first reason, it’s maybe not the owner’s fault that they can’t take care of it, but I don’t understand them abandoning the dog. They could easily go to an animal shelter and leave the dog there. I know that this requires more time and dedication, because you have to explain the reason why you can’t have the dog anymore and maybe do some paperwork, but I think this is so much worth than abandoning a dog. Firstly, you’re going to feel so much better with yourself, and secondly and most important, your dog is going to be safe. I know that the dog’s conditions aren’t the best in the animal shelters, because it’s expensive and it’s not easy to take care of a lot of dogs, but at least you know that your dog isn’t out there, alone and starving.

Talking about the second reason why people abandon their dogs, before having a dog, people should thing a lot about the conditions the dog is going to have, if is he going to be in a good environment and, most important, if they really want one. There is a lot of people that buys a dog as a present for their child, but they see it as a toy that they can throw away when the child has grown up and it’s not interested on it anymore.
A recommendation is that, if you aren’t 100% sure that you want and can have a dog; you can go to an animal shelter and take a dog in for some time. Animal shelters often look for people to adopt the dogs, but also for people to take them in for some time, because it makes their job easier. When the taking in time is over, if you are sure you could have a dog, you can finally adopt the one you had (the recommended option) or adopt another one. And if after that time you feel that you’re not prepared or you don’t have the needed requisites to have a dog, you just take it back to the animal shelter. And mentioning the adoption of dogs, it’s better to adopt a dog from an animal shelter or directly from someone that can’t take care of it, than buying one in a shop, because you give a much better life to a dog that hasn’t been very lucky.

I feel so sad imagining how a dog has to feel when he is abandoned. We can’t apply indiscriminately, but the dogs are known as men’s best friends and as very loving animals. So for a dog being abandoned is something horrible, because they go from living with company, in a house and with food, to being out there, disoriented, scared, cold (if it’s winter), and having to look for their own food, when they have always been fed, and adding the most terrible thing for them: they are alone. Also, some people abandon their dogs because they have an illness that needs to be treated and they don’t have enough money to pay the treatment. So in this case, adding to those bad conditions the fact that they aren’t healthy.

So the conclusion is that, if you want to have a dog think about it and make sure you have the needed conditions to have it. And if, for any reason, you can’t or don’t want to take care of the dog, please search for someone who can take care of him or, if you don’t find anyone, bring him to an animal shelter, because there dogs have a minimum conditions and they have the opportunity to be adopted by a family that can take care of them. 


In this post, as the title says, I wanted to give my opinion about the bullfighting, a tradition here in Spain. The practice of the bullfighting has been criticised in many occasions and it has caused a lot of controversy, not only nowadays but since this tradition was born. The people are divided in two: the ones who are in favour of this and the ones who are in against it (well, actually in three, because there are also the ones who don’t care about it). There are several reasons for both groups to stand up for their opinions, but for the ones who are in favour of it, the main reason would be that is a cultural show and a tradition that needs to be continued; and for the ones who are against it, the main reason is that this tradition means to torture innocent animals. 

Well, in my case, I belong to the second group; I am totally against it, because I don’t think it is morally correct. Some defenders of the bullfighting say that it is a tradition that has been practised for many years, meaning that it’s something that people have been doing for such a long time, that we have to accept it now. But I don’t think this is a reasonable reason, because if you analyze the history, you can say that lots of things have changed during the years, so that shows that things can change and we don’t have to live with something we don’t like because “it has been always like this”. So I guess this is only an excuse for the defenders of it, to keep practising their loved bullfighting.  

I don’t like the fact that they “play” with the bulls, rouse them with the red flags, and if bullfighting were only about this, I wouldn’t be the most interested person in it. But it’s not about this at all; bulls suffer from physical damages. They get stabbed with the called “puyas”, “banderillas” and “estoques”, and this makes them lose a big amount of blood that ends up by killing them, and if it doesn’t, they make sure the “torero” kills it, because it’s “the tradition”.

Actually, thanks to several surveys, we know that there is lots of people who are against the bullfighting, but unfortunately it’s still a popular practise in some parts of Spain.  About a month ago the government even created studies to get a professional title in tauromachy, which inspires people to study it, without thinking about the condition of the bulls, the opinion of the majority or the risks the “toreros” face by practising this.

And maybe some people will think that as I am catalan, I am against this because it’s a Spanish tradition, but I want to clarify that I am against the bullfighting, but I am also against the “correbous” celebrated in Catalonia. 

divendres, 27 de novembre del 2015


This year, Christmas Eve for the kids in the UK is going to be special, because if they look at the sky they may be able to see Santa Claus’s sleigh. “Santa’s sleigh” is ISS, the International Space Station, that this year celebrates its 15th anniversary. This is the largest object made by men that it’s in the space and from the Eath you can see the bright light it sends out, caused by the sunlight it reflects. That’s why it can look and be interpreted as Santa’s sleigh.

Virtual Astronomy has informed through their website and twitter that the ISS will pass over the UK approximately between 4.40pm and 4.50pm, and it will rise from the west and it will set in the south east. They have said that is probably going to be the brightest object in the sky, only beaten by the Moon.

Experts say that at the beginning it can be a little bit difficult to see, so they recommend you to be informed of where it will rise from, and they suggest you to use the NASA’S Spot Station tool to find it. 

I think it’s a great coincidence that the ISS passes over on the Christmas Eve, because it’s going to make the Christmas night “more special” than it is by itself. Also, I found funny that they compare the Spatial Station with Santa’s sleigh, to make kids believe it is actually Santa Claus flying over the country. I would like to be able to see it, because I think it has to be curious and cool to spot the ISS and to admire it (and even more imagining that it’s Santa Claus), but unfortunately, it seems that we won’t be able to see it here in Spain. 

· Sends out: emetre
· Set: pondre's
· Spot: localitzar

LINK: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/topics/christmas/12019173/UK-children-will-be-able-to-see-Santas-sleigh-in-the-sky-on-Christmas-Eve.html

dimecres, 25 de novembre del 2015


The writer, among other things, Peter ‘’Stoney’’ Emshwiller is the responsible of a recent video that has become viral. It is an interview, but not with two people taking part in it, as normally happens, in this one he plays the role of the two components: the interviewer and the interviewee. But not at the same time, with a difference of 38 years between them.

In 1977, when he was 18 years old, Peter decided to sit on a chair, placed a camera recording at him and he started asking questions to a blank wall, planning to answer all those questions years later. The questions were about his life, for example asking if is he married or not, how is his wife, etc., and the young Peter tried to react and give answers to what he thought the old Peter would say.  And now that he has answered all those questions, he has managed to make it look like seamless interview.

After releasing the video, Emshwiller talked about this experience. He talked about the looks of both Peters, about how he felt doing this and about why he decided to answer the questions and not leave the video considering it as a young man’s game.  Peter said that he felt that we had to give the young Peter the answers he asked for 38 years ago, and that his health problems that made him be at hospital for a while were the little final push he needed to do it.  He said that it was very emotional to record it and, even though it was artificial, he actually felt that his 18-year-old version was there, with him.

After this video, called “Later That Same Life”  he has started a campaign with the objective to reach $30,000 to be able to create a whole movie based on this.

I think this is a very good idea, because I think it’s an interesting “experiment” to do to compare your old self with the actual one, and to kind of connect with the “past you”. As Peter said, I guess it has to be quite emotional, to see and remember the way you thought and the expectations you had of the future when you were young, and to see how you have changed over the years.

However, I think that the idea of making a movie of it it’s too much. I don’t know how they he wants to do it, and maybe he will only base the idea of the movie on that and it will be a very good movie, but for now, I can’t think of a way of turning this into a whole movie.

And finally I would like to add that Peter wasn’t actually the first one to do that and upload it, a man called Jeremiah McDonald uploaded the same kind of video on 2012, but with different ages: he recorded the video asking the questions when he was 12 years old, and his 20-years-old version was the one answering them. So I’m posting his video too, because I think it’s quite funny and interesting. 



· Interviewee: entrevistat
· Seamless: continu
· Hideous: lleig, horrorós

dimarts, 24 de novembre del 2015


About a month ago, Twitter was full of tweets talking about a controversial topic which was started by a Spanish youtuber. This youtuber was Jpelirrojo, who has about 800.000 subscribers on his main channel and he’s on the list of the most famous youtubers in Spain. It all started with one of his tweets that literally said: “For me, women who stand up for makeup or heels, it’s like the slave who stands up for his chains thinking that they give him freedom.” Fast, everyone started giving their opinion, most of the people going against and attacking him for what he said. After this reaction, he tried to explain himself better through twitter and the next day through a video he posted on his channel, but anyways, a lot of people were still against him.

JPelirrojo recording for his
second channel
In this post I wanted to talk a little bit about this and give my opinion. First of all, JPelirrojo is a youtuber I’m used to watch, maybe not the videos on his main channel but the videos on his second channel (in which he records all his life, day by day). I like watching some of those videos because sometimes he discusses interesting topics with his girlfriend, with his friends or his family. And with this I want to say that he is a person who isn’t afraid at all of showing his opinion and his way of thinking to the world (he shows all his life, so it’s normal that he hasn’t any problems on expressing what he thinks). Not in everything, but quite a lot of times I agree with what he says, because I guess we have a similar way of thinking, but this time I can’t say that.

I think that he was just out of the line with that tweet, especially with the simile he made. With this simile, it seems that what he wants to say is that women are forced to wear makeup (I’m going to focus on makeup because it’s what has been more criticized about the tweet), but I don’t think it’s this way at all. Society may pressure a little bit women to wear makeup, but just as it does with lots of things. But it’s not the same as a slave with the chains: no one forces the women to wear makeup.
And I don’t think women depend on makeup or heels at all. Of course, there are all types of cases, and for some women makeup is essential and they couldn’t be happy without it, and in this case yes, maybe it is an addiction, just as JP says. But those are just a few cases. Some people tend to think that women wear makeup to impress the others, but a lot of times they just wear it to be pleased with themselves, and it doesn`t mean that they have low self-esteem or that they have an addiction with it. Also, for lots of girls makeup is not only a way to look prettier, it is a hobby and something that they like.

In my case, I don’t like to wear a lot of makeup on my daily life and I prefer not an excess of makeup, only for special occasions. But as I have said, “in my case”, so this should be a personal matter and we shouldn’t talk about all the girls as one. There are girls who hate makeup, so it’s completely fine them not wearing any of it, if they don’t want. There are girls who really like makeup and maybe feel better wearing it, and that’s completely fine too. And like these, there are hundreds of other cases, which should be respected, because it’s the girl’s body and she should be able to do whatever she wants.
But on the other hand, I think people also were a little bit out of the line with the comments they sent to JP. He started the tweet with “For me...”, so that shows that he’s just expressing his opinion, something that we all should be able to do, and his objective is not making everyone think this way, he just wants to show that in this point of view, girls look better without makeup. 
So, summarizing, I don’t agree with JPelirrojo’s opinion, and I think that, although he wasn’t fully disrespectful, some people were offended, so he could have just expressed his opinion, something that we all have the right to do, in another way. 


Now that I have seen the video of the presentation I can more or less self-evaluate how we did it. I think that in general the presentation went quite well, of course there are always mistakes, but in general I’m happy with the final result of the whole group. In my point of view, we chose and interesting topic and we spoke quite fluently. We didn’t stop much to look at our papers with the notes and I think this makes a presentation be more pleasant.

Evaluating only myself, the thing that annoyed me the most about myself were the several “eeh” that I said during the presentation. This was either because I tried to remember what I had to say next or because the word I had to say didn’t come to my mind. But anyways, I think I should try not to say this too many times, because I don’t think it makes the presentation sound good.

Another thing I’d like to improve for the next presentation is the nervousness. This is something that I actually though during the presentation, because at the beginning I was quite nervous and I didn’t think I was making the best I could because of the nerves. But while the presentation was going on, my nerves went down, so I guess this was because we were just starting. 

dilluns, 23 de novembre del 2015

BOOK REVIEW: Heima es hogar en islandés (Heima is home in Icelandic), by Laia Soler

This is one of the latest books I have read (actually the last one if we don’t count the ones for the high school) and I found it a very beautiful book, that’s why I wanted to make a review of it.
I’m going to start by explaining the plot of the novel, and then I going to give my opinion.
The main character of the story is Laura, a Spanish girl who suffers from achromatopsia, an illness that makes her only see in black and white. She is kind of overwhelmed by all the fights between her parents after they have divorced, plus she has just broken up with her boyfriend, so she decides to get away from everything and take the first plane on the airport. She ends up in Reykjavik, in Iceland. There she meets Orri, a boy who invites her to join him and his friend on a road trip around the island. It may not be a sensible idea, but she accepts it and joins the adventure with these two unknown boys. What she could have never imagined is that those boys have a big secret, that is going to change her forever.
"Just a few things are impossible by themselves, it's us, the people, who decide what is possibe and what is not"

I have to declare myself guilty of judging a book by its cover, but it was impossible to resist with this one. When I saw the cover I just fell in love with it and adding the fact that I’m an Iceland lover, I knew I had to buy it. Actually, when we were in 3rd of ESO, we had to do a project about a country and one of the parts of the project consisted on designing a one week trip around the country. I worked on Iceland and I felt in love with the landscapes of the country, so when I read the plot of this book, that mentions a road trip around Iceland, I was sure I was going to like it, because it surely involved all the beautiful landscapes. And it didn’t disappoint me.

"Between the two of us, we created a whole smile."

Laia Soler, the author
The best thing of this book is the description of the landscapes and the photos that it includes. The author describes everything very carefully, explaining the details and it makes you transport to where the action is happening. Another thing that makes this book special is the magic. I don’t want to give big spoilers, but it has fantastic elements that combined with the setting of the book, makes you be surrounded by a magic atmosphere.
Maybe the weak spot of the book is the action. I don’t want you to think that is all about describing landscapes and there isn’t any action at all, because at one point there is a big cliffhanger, something that I didn’t expect at all. But in some parts the story is a little slow, so you wish something else happened.
"The world would be a better place if we stopped clinging that much to the logic and we allowed ourselves to believe a little bit more in what we don't see."

Now, talking about the main characters I liked them all. Laura, the main character, was a quite normal girl. About her, we could highlight her pidheadedness in some situations, and the fact that she suffers achromatopsia, which has a storyline about it. And also the little evolution that she suffers during the trip, that makes her think about herself and her life.
The other main characters are the two friends: Orri and Gudjon (or John, like Laura calls him). Orri became my favourite character from almost the beginning, because he always added a little bit of humour and happiness in the situations. Gudjon was a serious guy and at the beginning I didn’t like him very much, but then I started liking him more and at the end, when I knew the reason of his seriousness, I liked him a lot more.
"Your aura looks like the northern lights."
Summarizing, this is a very magical and emotional book, maybe with a slow rythym, but with very special characters. We could say that it has a bittersweet ending but at the same time it is very beautiful, just like its story.

And finally, this is the book's official song:

P.S. The original versión of the book is in Spanish, and it actually it hasn’t been translated to any other languages, that’s why I have put the several quotes in Spanish and then I have translated them.

diumenge, 22 de novembre del 2015


Two weeks ago, the ‘’Fiesta del Cine’’ or ‘’Cinema’s party’’ was held, concretely on the 3rd, 4th and 5th of November. This was the 9th edition of this celebration, which consists of reducing the price of a cinema’s ticket from an average of 6.50€ to only 2.90€. The only thing you need to enjoy this reduction is to get your accreditation online.

Because of this celebration, I wanted to talk about the price of the cinema nowadays in Spain. First of all, not only talking about the cinema, in Spain, for the cultural things there is a 21% of IVA, which is a lot compared to other countries in the European Union. At the beginning of 2015, the government said they were going to low it and there would be a 10% of IVA, but I truly don’t know if this was actually into effect. The high taxes on the cultural things makes reduce the people performing all these cultural activities, and in consequence, it reduces the level of culture in the country. But this is another topic to talk about, in this post I wanted to specially talk about the cinema.

A part from the IVA issue, the price of the cinema tickets has increased a lot during the past years, and I think this is a disadvantage for everyone.
The people don’t go to the cinema because it’s too expensive; the cinemas don’t have people so they can’t earn enough money and at the same time, the producers, film studio and the ones who are involved on the film, receive a lower amount of money. Because of this lack of money, the cinemas increase the prices, but this makes less people go to the cinema. And that’s a vicious circle.

I’m not an expert on this topic, and maybe I’m completely wrong, but I think it would be something good to lower the prices. It would be hard at the beginning because especially the cinemas would probably lose quite a lot of money, but doing this, more people would go to the cinema and more often, so cinemas would earn more money with the tickets. And apart from this, people normally buy snacks in the cinema, something that produces a benefit for the cinema. So, putting random numbers, saying that everyday 10 people go to the cinema and the ticket costs 8€, they are going to earn 80€. And if we count that everyone spends 5€ on snacks, they are getting 130€ per day. If they lower the prices and each ticket costs 5€, we say that everyday 20 people go to the cinema and they spend the same 5€ on snacks, they finally get a total of 150€ per day. Of course, those numbers are invented and maybe they wouldn’t be proportionally like that. Plus, it is the theory and maybe the practice would be totally different, but if we think about it, it could work.

Nowadays, every time more, you go to the cinema and (depending on the film) most of times not even the half of the room is full, that’s why lots of cinemas have to shut down. That’s why I think that it would be worth, because cinemas shutting down is in some way, culture getting lost. But well, maybe that’s what the government wants, people having less and less culture every time. 

dissabte, 14 de novembre del 2015


Today the world has woken up with some terrible news. Tonight, there have been several terrorist attacks in France, in which about 128 people have lost their lives. The attacks took place in different points of Paris, among which there were the stadium ‘’Stade de France’’, where France was playing against Germany, a match which the François Hollande (France president), was attending; and the ‘’Bataclan’’ concert hall, the one that suffered the biggest attack, and where the band Eagles Of Dead Metal was playing.

The attack at the Bataclan finished after midnight, with a police intervention in which four terrorists died, three of them because of explosive belts. Before this, the terrorists had kept about 100 people inside the concert hall as hostages. Later the police found at least of that people dead. The police have said that, counting all the attacks, 128 people have died, more than 200 people are wounded, and 80 of them are in a very grave state.
In addition to the four dead attackers in Bataclan, four more also died in different attacks, making a total of eight dead attackers, seven of them because of explosive belts. Other attackers were able to run away.

The authorities think that the attacks have been organised by Islamic terrorists who have accomplices in the country. The attackers used bombs, submachine guns and later the actual attackers made themselves explode with explosive belts. ISIS has claimed responsibility, and has said that this is just the beginning of a lot more of attacks, notifying the French people that this is not over at all.
François Hollande has said that France needs to be strong and united and that they are going to take the needed measurements to end up with all this and to keep the country safe. The country has closed the borders (even though trains and planes are still working) and has improved and increased the security. Also, authorities have sent out a statement advising the people to say at home and this Saturday everything is going to stay closed, to keep the people safe.

The world has answered sending support to France. The leaders of different countries have talk about it and offered help to the affected country, and the nearby countries have increased the security.
People around the world has sent support to the country and to the affected people through social media.

Well, I don't think I have a very different opinion than the other people about it, because I guess everyone agrees that it was a tragic incident. I think that one of the worst things about it is that the people who belong to the terrorist organization ISIS are so brain-washed that they don't mind dying as long as they do it in the name of their God (that's what they think). So if they aren't scared of dying, I guess that they can risk everything in making more serious and dangerous attacks. 
And another thing I would like to comment is that we mustn't forget about the other people that are dying because of this, because what happened in Paris yesterday, also happened in Beirut (Lebanon) with the same amount of dead people, and is happening everyday in Syria, so we must be aware of this and if we pray for the death people in Paris, we should also pray for the dead people of all these places. Because the dead people from France deserve the same importance than the dead people in Syria or in the other places.


· Accomplices: còmplices 
· Submachine guns: metralladores
· Statement: declaració

I used several websites, one of them is this one: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34814203

dimarts, 3 de novembre del 2015


Some days ago they said on the news that, out of the European Union, Spain is one of the countries which gives the most homework to the students, but at the same time, it is one of the countries with the worst academic results. I actually don’t know about the amount of homework students get in the other countries, and they level on the academic results, but I think what they said on the news could be perfectly true, and I think this is because of the education system.

I’ve heard several times about the education system in some of the northern countries, such as Iceland or Finland and it’s quite different from the one here in Spain. In Finland, for example, they focus on the studies but they also place importance on the free time and the games. They think it’s important for the kids to have time to play, because even though it’s necessary to study, they also need some leisure. And to do this, the kids go to school, but they practically have no homework. Also, they try to work in more enjoyable ways, working in groups, doing varied activities, etc. And I guess this works, because Finland’s education system is considered one of the best of the world, and with the best results. 

In my point of view, it’s okay if teachers give students some homework to do at home, for example finishing an exercise they started in the class, but that’s not what they do at all. They make students work in the class and then they have quite a lot of extra work to do at home. And it’s not all about homework, because there also the exams, for which you have to study. With all these work students don’t get enough free time and this stresses them.
I know that, for example in my case, I’m doing Batxillerat and I am aware that it requires a lot of work, because you need to be prepared for university, but I don’t think the kids having that much homework is fair. Some people would say that if you don’t make kids work hard when they’re little, when they grow up they are not going to work, but I don’t think this is true. In my opinion, there’s a difference between working hard and having study habits. What little kids should learn is that studying is important and they should learn how to have good study habits, so when they grow up, they do the work they must do in every level of their studies. If we want kids to be good students by making them work very hard when they are little, all we are going to get is them growing up and getting tired of having been studying hard all their lives. And probably they will get tired at the age when studying is most important.

Another thing I would like to talk about is the way the education system makes students work. In some subjects the teachers make students thing and analyze by themselves, but in lots of subjects they don’t really test the knowledges of students, they test their capacities to memorize the things and then put them all on the exam, often without  thinking too much. I don’t think this is the students, teachers or high school fault. I think this is because of the way the education system works and appraises the students. Maybe it is kind of unpleasant of me to say all this without providing a possible solution to it, but I don’t really know how the education system could be fixed.

In conclusion, what I thing is that maybe, one of the several reasons of the bad academic results in Spain is the education system and the way they make students work, so maybe it would be good if things changed a little bit and the way of working was redesigned, so our country could get better results. 

Here there is a recent video of a social experiment, that shows the amount of work that kids have in Spain. The video was recorded in Spanish, but it has the option to put English subtitles:

UPDATE: I have just found a video that expresses everything I wanted to say with this post, so I thought I should post it. It is in Spanish, so I hope it's not a problem. The quote I would like to remark is: ''Si quieres aprobar no hay tiempo de aprender'', that would be ''If you want to pass there's no time to learn'', which I think that summarizes perfectly what I wanted to say about the education system way of making us work.

dimarts, 13 d’octubre del 2015


We live in a society in which you can hear people criticising all the time, and I’m not excluding myself from this, because let’s accept it, we all criticise. We are all guilty of dissing or speaking badly of someone, because something they have done, something they have said, something about their personality or even because something about their appearance. But there is people that go beyond that and tend to criticise all the time, for every little thing, and the worst: without knowing. And this is what I’m going to talk about.

I started to think about this some days ago, when I was spending some time on Instagram. There I saw a photo of a young American actress from a famous TV series. The photo was posted on the TV series’ official Instagram account just showing the dress she had worn to an event that evening. I read some of the comments, and there were a lot of people saying that the actress had gained weight. I don’t think this is what you should tell a person, unless you are really confident with him or her, but it can be kind of accepted if you just say it with respect and as a remark, because it’s true: she had gained weight. The problem is that most of the people said it in a disrespectful way, with comments such as ‘’OMG she is so fat’’ or ‘’She looks so ugly’’, just criticising. 
The thing is that they spoke without knowing, because actually the actress, four months ago, had posted a picture on her Instagram explaining that she was having hormone problems, and although she was now healthy and getting everything back to OK, those problems had made her body suffer changes and that’s why she had gained weight.

That is what makes me be outraged: people speaking badly and showing their negative opinions without really knowing what they are talking about. And saying all that in a public space, where the people you are talking about maybe will see your comments. If you think that, it’s fine, just keep it to yourself or say it in a respectful way but, still with the actress’ example, not because she’s famous your mean comments are not going to affect her.
And that’s just an example of people criticising, but there are a lot more. For example, nowadays Youtubers have become so popular, and in every famous channel on Youtube you can find disrespectful comments insulting them. C’mon, if you don’t like that person, if you don’t like the way they talk or if you don’t like the content they have on their channel, just leave. No one is forcing you to see their videos, so if you don’t like them, just stop watching them. Of course, I’m not saying you can’t comment to give your opinion, even if you want to give a negative opinion, but just do it with respect and with a foundation. Don’t limit yourself to say ‘’Your hair is awful’’, because yes, it may sound a silly example, but you can find plenty of comments similar to this one on Youtube.
And I could go on and on putting more examples of situations like these, but that's not the point. 

In my opinion, it all gets reduced to the quote: ‘’Live and let others live’’. If you don’t like what someone is doing, just ignore it, as long as it doesn’t affect you, of course. If you think they aren’t doing the right thing, just let them figure that out, and if you can’t live without expressing your opinion and telling them what you think, just do it in a respectful way, because there’s no need of saying it meanly. 

diumenge, 4 d’octubre del 2015


The Harbin Ice and Snow Festival is held every winter in Harbin, a city in China. Harbin is located in the northeast of the country, so it recieves the cold Siberian wind, that's why this festival is held in this city, because it needs a cold weather to keep all the sculptures intact. 
Because yes, this is what this festival it's about: a snow and ice sculptures display.

This festival is based on a Chinese tradition that they have had for many years: the Ice lanterns. We could compare this to the Jack o' lanterns in Halloween, but instead of using a pumpkin, they used an ice block. They created the block using a bucket and placed a candle inside of it, and doing this they got a windproof lamp. 
Years later, they started to use this technique in their free time, to create beautiful sculptures. And this is more or less how the festival started, although it wasn't until 1963 when it became an actual festival. Then, after some years not being held because of the Cultural Revolution in China, it returned on 1984 as the official Harbin Ice and Snow Festival.

The festival officially starts on January 5th and lasts for a month, although usually it goes on for some more time. During this month there are plenty of exhibitions around the whole city, but the main areas that you have to visit if you go there during the festival are: Ice and Snow World, Zhaolin Park and The Sun Island Park.

Ice and Snow and Zhaolin Park are both areas full of ice sculptures, beautiful during the day and striking at night, because of the different colour lights they have inside. In these areas you can find all type of scultures: some of them based on famous buildings, such as the Egyptian Pyramids, the Great Wall or European churches; others based on nature elements, like flowers, waterfalls and also animals; others on fantastic elements from tales and legends, etc.

In the Sun Island Park you can find snow sculptures also representing all types of things.

It is the largest ice and snow festival in the world, and besides the activities related to this, nowadays during the festival there are plenty of other activities, such as alpine skiing, winter swimming in the Songhua River, fireworks, concerts and even fashion shows.

dijous, 1 d’octubre del 2015



This task was about to choose a ''rebel song'', a song that criticizes and complains about the society and that instills the feeling of rebellion against it. 

The song I have chosen is American Idiot by the punck-rock band Green Day, a song released on 2004. 
This song talks about the American society, and although they don't really name it, the members of the band give their negative opintion about president's Bush administration system, complaining that it's full of lies and they're not OK with that. They talk about America as a country controlled by the media and they show their desires of rebelling against this and of not being part of this society.

I have chosen the song because I like the rythym of it and the song in general. This was a song that I already liked, and even though I had never thought about the message of it, it seem to me a perfect ''rebel song''. It has been interesting to find out the actual meaning and message of it.