Second of batxillerat has come to an end, and this means the end of many things, including this blog. It was created two years ago, when I was in 4th of ESO and since then, I have been posting different tasks, news and, what I enjoyed the most, my opinions and thoughs in the so called "my worlds" and "your says".
Posting writings during two years should mean that my level of english has increased, so I'm going to compare my last writing with my very first one, to see if it is really like this.
Going back to my first post I've realized it was a bucket list, which is not very good to compare with a writing, so I'm going to use my second post, which was a writing talking about my hero. ( And my last post was a news about human rights (
At first sight, what I can see is that the first post was shorter, but it was probably because it was a task in which I didn't have a lot to say, and seeing my first "my worlds", I can see that the long posts are not something new. About the structure, the "My hero" task wasn't practically structured. With this I mean that I started talking about my hero, just giving information about it, and then I explained why I admired him. Instead, in the last post there is a very marked structure: the summary of the news, my personal opinion and the vocabulary. (although maybe it's not a good exemple to compare, considering that the news structure is given by the news pattern). Talking about the content, I think I've improved my writings because of the topics I'm talking about. When I started the blog, a lot of the topics were given as tasks, so sometimes I didn't have a lot to say, or other were chosen by me but were not very interesting. And even though I have been running out of things to talk, I think the content of my posts has become more interesting throughout time. Another thing that in my opinion has improved is the fluency. In the My hero post I notice in some parts a lack of connectors, which make it be less fluent, and instead, in the last posts of my blog I tried to use new connectors and to be more fluent. And finally, about personal development, I can say that I've noticed it, not only looking at these two posts, but in all the blog in general. It is related a little bit to what I said about the evolution of the topics and also the way I talk about them, which has become more mature.
Talking about oral presentations or podcasts, I think my best one was the presentation about a gap year I did last year with Paula Caball and Paula Valenzuela ( I've chosen this one not because of the language or the accuracy doing the presentation, because I think that more or less in all my presentations I've had a similar level, but for the way it was done. We tried to make it original and make up a story to fit the presentation in. So all of us played a different role (a girl who wants to do a gap year, a travel agent who helps her and an african women she meets during her gap year). With this little "theatre" we were able to explain the benefits of taking a gap year, the details about accomodation and different aspects of the country of which we were talking about: South Africa. So I think it was one of my best oral presentations because of its originality.
And about the written post, one of my favourites is also one from first of batxillerat, in which I talk about dog's abandonment. ( It is a your-say in which I share my opinion about the topic and I give some solutions that, from my point of view, could help in the decreasing of dog's abandonment. It's one of my favourites because it's a topic I care about and I wrote it very fluently. But also, I have to mention the love essay I did this year with Paula Caball (, because I'm also very happy with the result. This was a task that required more work, because we had to look for information about the topic on the internet and then use it in our essay at the same time we were giving our opinion. That's why I'm happy with the result and proud of our work, because I think we did a good essay, using good references, good vocabulary and good grammar and structures.
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