dissabte, 26 de novembre del 2016


After watching the video of the presentation I did with Paula Caball last week, I can comment a little how it went and evaluate ourselves.

First of all, I think our visual resources were good: we used a Prezi and we also used a video to finish the presentation, which showed some curious facts about the topic. Also, I think we did it good in the part of body language and eye contact. We tried not to read our notes and to explain the things in our way, that's why we didn't memorize the notes exaclty, we only memorize the idea we had to explain and then we tried to explain the way we were comfortable. I think that's why we talked in a natural way and it was easy to pay attention to the presentation. 

About the structure, our presentation had a quite clear structure: we started explaining some theories of why we dream and then we extended more the information in Freud's theory, which is the most famous and interesting. I think that in this part we could have improved a little using more connectors than we did.

In my opinion, the content of the presntation was interesting. I find the topic about dreams very curious and I think a lot of people like to know about it and a little about our brain. We tried to explain the information in a way in which it could be understood and not too technical, because it would have been maybe boring. We also tried to use curious examples to make it a little bit more entertaining. 

In general, I think the part we could improve would be the language part. We did it well, but maybe we could have used a more varied vocabulary, with idioms or phrasal verbs, or again, more connectors and fillers. About the pronunciation and intonation, I think we pronounced the words quite well and, in my case, I think that if I tried to speak louder and more expressively, it would improve. 

In conclusion, I think we did a very good presentation but, of course, we can always improve things, for example some aspects of the language. 

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