dimarts, 24 de maig del 2016


In the region of Nasca, in Peru, there are the called “Nasca lines” or “puquios”, geometric shapes carved on the ground which have a gigantic size. Recent studies and investigations using satellite imaging have arrived to the conclusion that in that area there was a flourishing society.
It has been discovered that the puquios were a hydraulic system which allowed the people living in that arid region, carry water to every part of it. This system retrieved the water from the underground aquifers and brought the water to the surface, to be used for agriculture, irrigation and even domestic needs.

It is believed that the puquios were a much more sophisticated system back then than it is right now, but with the centuries it has been dilapidated. But although we can't study this structrures like they were back then, the investigators have been able to establish that the population of the Nasca region was organized in a hierarchy and they were a sophisticated and intelligent society. Building this hydraulic system required having important knowledges of the geology and also being able to calculate the water level variations along the year, something this society was able to do and which allowed them to bring water to one of the most arid areas in the Earth.

I found this news very interesting because I didn't know the existence of the puquios and when I read it, it caught my attention. I find it quite shocking the fact that this society, living in the Nasca area in Peru was able to create and build such a complex system back then, with the resources and tools they had and that, as the news says, some of the puquios can still work today.

· Hierarchy: jerarquia
· Retrieve: recuperar, rescatar
· Flourishing: pròsper

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