dimecres, 25 de novembre del 2015


The writer, among other things, Peter ‘’Stoney’’ Emshwiller is the responsible of a recent video that has become viral. It is an interview, but not with two people taking part in it, as normally happens, in this one he plays the role of the two components: the interviewer and the interviewee. But not at the same time, with a difference of 38 years between them.

In 1977, when he was 18 years old, Peter decided to sit on a chair, placed a camera recording at him and he started asking questions to a blank wall, planning to answer all those questions years later. The questions were about his life, for example asking if is he married or not, how is his wife, etc., and the young Peter tried to react and give answers to what he thought the old Peter would say.  And now that he has answered all those questions, he has managed to make it look like seamless interview.

After releasing the video, Emshwiller talked about this experience. He talked about the looks of both Peters, about how he felt doing this and about why he decided to answer the questions and not leave the video considering it as a young man’s game.  Peter said that he felt that we had to give the young Peter the answers he asked for 38 years ago, and that his health problems that made him be at hospital for a while were the little final push he needed to do it.  He said that it was very emotional to record it and, even though it was artificial, he actually felt that his 18-year-old version was there, with him.

After this video, called “Later That Same Life”  he has started a campaign with the objective to reach $30,000 to be able to create a whole movie based on this.

I think this is a very good idea, because I think it’s an interesting “experiment” to do to compare your old self with the actual one, and to kind of connect with the “past you”. As Peter said, I guess it has to be quite emotional, to see and remember the way you thought and the expectations you had of the future when you were young, and to see how you have changed over the years.

However, I think that the idea of making a movie of it it’s too much. I don’t know how they he wants to do it, and maybe he will only base the idea of the movie on that and it will be a very good movie, but for now, I can’t think of a way of turning this into a whole movie.

And finally I would like to add that Peter wasn’t actually the first one to do that and upload it, a man called Jeremiah McDonald uploaded the same kind of video on 2012, but with different ages: he recorded the video asking the questions when he was 12 years old, and his 20-years-old version was the one answering them. So I’m posting his video too, because I think it’s quite funny and interesting. 



· Interviewee: entrevistat
· Seamless: continu
· Hideous: lleig, horrorós

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