divendres, 28 de novembre del 2014


This is the first My world  and I really didn’t know what to talk about, so I finally decided to talk about Music Awards.

This came to my mind weeks ago, when the MTV Europe Music Awards were held. I’m not used to watch this awards, and this time it wasn’t different, but the day after I like to check who won the different awards, and so I did this time.
I’m not going to judge the awards, because let’s be honest, I have no idea of music, but I’m going to give my opinion about awards in general.

Every time there are more awards which are held all around the world, and in my opinion, every time these awards are becoming more unfair. Now a days, with the internet it’s really easy to vote, so in a lot of awards, the people have a chance to decide who must win. In some awards the results are all decision of the fans, and in others the results consist of the people’s opinion and the opinion of experts, but in almost all the awards the people has something to decide. And here’s where the unfair thing starts. There are different categories of awards, such as Best Singer, Best Actor, Best Song, Best Movie or Best Fans, but with the people’s votes, every award becomes a Best Fan award. The winners are the ones with more fans, regardless if they deserve the award or not.

So I think that it’s okay that some awards give the power to decide who wins to the fans, such like People’s Choice Awards, which as its name says it was originally about the people voting, but there should be more awards where the decision is totally up to experts, so they reward for real talent, not only for the amount of fans.

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